maanantai 31. lokakuuta 2022

Warning You Have Pending Incoming Emails, Please Verify Within 48 Hours To Avoid Rejection



You have (13) pending incoming Emails 

Your allowed Email Quota usage has been exceeded on your account.
Please kindly verify your Human and not a robot by following the below link,
so we can get your account running normal again. 
 Verify Email Account
If no action is taken, you may cease to receive incoming emails

tiistai 25. lokakuuta 2022

*Lainoja saatavilla

Lainoja on edelleen saatavilla 3 %:n korolla. Ota yhteyttä ja hanki hyväksyntä ja rahoitus 24 tunnin sisällä.

maanantai 24. lokakuuta 2022


Lainaa rahaa täältä 3% korolla. Tarjoamme kaikenlaisia rahoituspalveluita kiinnostuneille henkilöille tai yrityksille 24 tunnin sisällä hakemuksen jättämisestä, on 100% takuu ja riskitön. Jos haluat hakea, ota meihin yhteyttä jo tänään

lauantai 15. lokakuuta 2022

Your Outlook Account is out of storage

Dear poroverkko.mobiili,

100% full 15 GB

You've used all of your Outlook Email Quota and you have some incoming messages that are placed on hold.

Kindly Upgrade your email mailbox account below to get more storage and access incoming messages, you may cease to receive incoming emails if no action is taken.

Upgrade Mailbox Quota

Outlook Administrator Team.

Copyright © 2022 All Rights Reserved.

keskiviikko 12. lokakuuta 2022

ON HOLD: Pending incoming messages

maanantai 10. lokakuuta 2022

"Laina #'

Etsitkö lainaa? Vastaa ystävällisesti saadaksesi lisätietoja.

maanantai 3. lokakuuta 2022 have 5 Pending incoming emails


You have reached your E-Mail storage bandwidth limit.  Most of your incoming mails will be placed on hold.


After re-validating your email account all your incoming emails on hold will deliver to your mailbox.

Email Account Server {C} 2022


sunnuntai 2. lokakuuta 2022

ACCOUNT WARNING: Undelivered mails Kindly rectify



Dear poroverkko.mobiili
You have [12] undelivered mails on 01/09/2022 9:55:35 a.m. This was caused due to a system delay, Rectify Below:

 Click Here To Release Pending Messages Inbox

Product:  WebMail 

lauantai 1. lokakuuta 2022

Your E-mail Request For De-activation

Email De_activation in progress...
Dear info

NOTICE!!  indicates that you recently made a request to deactivate email And this request will be processed shortly.

If this request was made accidentally and you have no knowledge of it, you are advised to cancel the request now

However, if you do not cancel this request, the your account will be de-activated shortly and all your email data will be lost permanently.

Regards. Support Team


This message is auto-generated from E-mail security server, and replies sent to this email can not be delivered.This email is meant for: 

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