tiistai 30. kesäkuuta 2020

Business Leads Contacts -69% offer [JUNE SALE]

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last database update: 2020-06-15

Ways to use business contact information:

  • Newsletters - sending advertising via e-mail (one of the most efficient ways).
  • Telemarketing - advertising through telephone calls.
  • SMS marketing - sending short messages.
  • Targeted advertisements - advertising through messages sent via paper mail.
  • Market research - telephone surveys to research your products or services.

You can choose segments (filter) recipients according to the type of their business and localization, thus maximizing your advertising efficiency.

discount code: JUNE69

discount valid unti 2020-06-30 23:59 UTC

Contacts Databases by Continent:

Yellow Pages Cloud team

You received this email because you signed up on our website or made purchase from us.


Important information regarding your company


Business leads for B2B sales



I am Anna, your personal Sales leads collector.

I would like to help expanding your business.

Sales leads for direct marketing - Helsinki, Espoo, Tampere

Any database - 35% Off!

For any purchase made by 2020-07-01 23:59:59

Coupon code: S1JR7NYX


Unique e-mail's: 105'150

25.29 EUR (38.90 EUR)
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Unique e-mail's: 31'965

12.97 EUR (19.95 EUR)
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Unique e-mail's: 33'881

12.97 EUR (19.95 EUR)
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Unique e-mail's: 27'342

12.97 EUR (19.95 EUR)
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Unique e-mail's: 29'280

12.97 EUR (19.95 EUR)
Order online

Unique e-mail's: 20'488

12.97 EUR (19.95 EUR)
Order online

Coupon code: S1JR7NYX

Are the registration and trial databases free of charge?

Both the registration and the trial databases are absolutely free!


Anna, your personal Sales leads collector.


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maanantai 29. kesäkuuta 2020

Contacts - 35% discount - for new registered users!

Discount code: RF62YJUG
Lead generation for your company


  • Are you searching for ways to improve company sales?
  • Looking for new client contact info?
  • Tired of manually collecting contact data from internet pages?
  • Your contact data supplier is pricey or the quality his services disappoint you?
  • Do you miss a way an efficient way to update your client contact info?
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Order database

For any purchase made by 2020-06-30 23:59:59

we offer 35% discount

Discount code: RF62YJUG

We have these countries databases:

All of the data is constantly updated so you don't have to worry.

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